Sunday, May 10, 2015

Recent Presentation About 10-Meter Propagation Using PropNET

Hello All,
I recently did a presentation about 10-Meter Propagation in Prescott, Arizona for the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club. The data includes my 10 years of data-mining PropNET captures.
The movie is around 32 minutes long and can be stopped and started.
Enjoy and 73
Art KA5DWI/7

Monday, January 19, 2015

Propagation Studies

Hi Everyone,
If you wish to read my propagation studies using systems other than PropNET please visit my personal propagation studies page:
KA5DWI-Propagation Studies

At times I play with WSPR, WSJT, APRS (UI-View) and other digital modes and will write papers on events.

Several of my more extensive PropNET studies are also posted on my personal blog.
All new works that directly involve PropNET will always be posted on this blog (PropNET Studies).

Now that I am retired and hopefully settled in, I will start spending more times with other systems and more Ham bands.

Art Jackson KA5DWI/7